A mentor told me "You have the IQ. If you get the EQ, you’re going to be unstoppable.”

I was a shy 20 year old who just finished my physics degree, was used to working in dungeons laboratories and, frankly, had no business starting a company.

They told us we had to go outside and talk to 25 customers, and not come back until we did.

It was absolutely miserable.

But I immediately realized that's what I needed to do to get the best jobs, opportunities, and sell my vision to my boss, my colleagues, and my investors.

I spent the next decade working on my public speaking, branding, imposter syndrome, writing, and networking. Fake it til you make it.

One day, I woke up and realized I'm not faking it anymore.

Now, I've founded two companies (and working on a third!), created a 150k+ following on social media by talking about quantum computing, coding, and startups, and raised millions in venture funding.

But I'm still an introvert through and through. But 10 years ago, I wouldn't have imagined being on social media or giving talks to thousands of people. Now, it's pretty easy. And I want to help you get there too.

The course is now open and I wanted you to be the first to know. 

My beta testers are already sharing wins in the Slack community - crushing interviews with confidence, starting blogs, and doing talks!  

More smart people like you need to share their thoughts, innovations, and work.  That's how we make the world a better place. And that's how you make YOUR life better. Get promoted. Get more opportunities. Raise funding. Even connect with your family.

Join me here!!